Tuesday, May 7, 2019

When you come to Canada you should to know many important points about the finances.

For example,  you have to know about the tax system. Very important to file your income tax every year from March until April. I would recommend doing your tax return with a good accountant. If I were you,  I would file it very early to get my tax return quickly :).

You had better not delay your filing tax,  otherwise you must to pay fee to the government. I suggest investing your tax returns in the bank.

There are many saving plans which the government provides for people like RRSP, RIF and RESP etc... All these plans have many benefits for you and your family. So why you don't think about it?

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Everyone likes to be rich and has enough money.  Being wealthy is not easy, but not difficult if you follow what Benjamin Franklin said: "Early to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

I believe that life before hundreds of years ago was completely different. They applied this quote, I agree with this because ancient lived healthy life without serious diseases like nowadays and they were wise. This means they were wealthy because they were satisfied.

So, when you sleep early then you wake early, you can provide to yourself better life.

Monday, April 8, 2019

My friend Sara runs out all her money for shopping clothes and accessories. There's  no telling how she always blows her money  without thinking. I always try to advise her to keep herself in the track, and not to fell in a hole. All the time she borrows hundreds bucks from other friends so, no wonder why she doesn't strappeds for cash.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The mortgage is the most big issue now days,  because most of people want to have their own houses even if they're not apply. In my opinion before thinking of buying a house you have to give it a piece of mind. In other words,  you shouldn't mess up your financial ability just to get a new or better house. Be careful not to be sorry about getting trouble with the bank, because at that moment this will drive you crazy.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

When I was 18 years old I did a big mistake with my friend. I did that by accident when I was in the school.

Firs, that started when she asked me to lend her own books to some students. Second, I messed up the books and I gave the wrong books to the students. It was really a horrible mistake.  I told her about the problem, then I tried to say sorry for what I did. At the beginning I felt that she was holding a grudge against me. For this reason I tried to make up for my mistake by collecting the wrong books and distributing the correct bookstore them.

It was too hard to recorrect your mistake, but at least I  made her satisfied. I learned to be more careful in these cases and be more organized later.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I'm Banan, I'm Syrian but I came from UAE.
I've been in Canada for 4 years with my family. I've a 15 years old daughter, two sons 12 and 5 years old , and of course the oldest son "my husband " 🀣🀣.
I would like to study and get Canadian degree, and then find a job.
My dream is to have a Canadian Citizenship and fly all over the world 😊.
I hope the best for all of you my lovely friends and plz hope the same for me πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ™πŸ™